Spoofing possible thanks to particular characters

By the technique, that the homograph-Attack is named, become sites made with a domain name in which not-English characters prevent. An example of this is www.pаypal.com. In the address beam appeared usual paypal. com, but in reality ends up the internal pus on a site of a swindler.

Swindlers can for instance also a known domain name register with a figure instead of a letter, www.pcw0rld.com. Internal pus think then that they Pcworld. com visit because that in the address beam appeared, but come from on a wrong site.

The positions for international characters, ookwel Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) was named, is through the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) imported internet more attractive to make for men that not-English characters use as for instance the Cyrillische alphabet that uses becomes through Russians.

Although Internet often a leak Explore shows, works this IDN-trick just not in the browser of Microsoft. In Firefox, the IDN-support stands in a standard way on and can internal pus thus easily mislead become. Also in Apples Safari 1.2.5 and Opera 7.54, the homograph-attack works.

Internal pus becomes advised to visit no links of ‘fraudulent’ websites and webadressen so much possible handmatig in to tap. Also can an unreliable shady copiedbecome to a teksteditor that the real characters of the address reproduces.


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